LAMB #255 – Bad Lit: The Journal of Underground Film

URL: Name: Bad Lit: The Journal of Underground FilmCategories: Reviews, News. Suggested new category: UndergroundRating: PG-13 What is the main focus of your site?Bad Lit covers the world of underground film: Reviews, festival listings, videos, screening news, historical research, editorials and more. What are your blogging goals, personally and/or…

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LAMB #254 – Nectrotic Cinema

URL: Name: Nectrotic CinemaCategories: Horror, Sci-FiRating: NC-17 What is the main focus of your site?Focus is on modern horror films that have been released, for the most part though the rule is flexible, after 1980. What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything,…

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