
Welcome to the LAMB Acting School Extra Features Archives.

Below, you’ll find a listing of every episode, complete with the topic and participants for that show.

For recent episodes not yet archived, go to the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, or lambcast.podOmatic.com.

If you’d like to listen to the show, click the link; to download, right-click and “Save Link As” (Mac users: cmd+click).

014 Meryl Streep – with Shane Slater and MovieRob

013 Annette Bening – with Damien Riley and MovieRob

012 Michelle Pfeiffer – with Damien Riley and MovieRob

011 Steve McQueen – with Jay Cluitt and MovieRob

010 Joseph Gordon Levitt – with Stevee Taylor and MovieRob

009 Faye Dunaway – with Richard Kirkham and MovieRob

008 Samuel L. Jackson – with Simon Appleton and MovieRob

007 Charles Bronson – with Damien Riley and MovieRob

006 Carrie Fisher – with Todd Liebenow and MovieRob

005 Paul Walker – with Darren Lucas and MovieRob

004 Sean Connery – with Richard Kirkham and MovieRob

003 Natalie Wood – with Kristen Lopez and MovieRob

002 Gene Wilder – with Damien Riley and MovieRob

001 Bill Paxton – with Heather Baxendale and MovieRob