What is the LAMB?
The LAMB (Large Association of Movie Blogs) is the world’s largest film blog directory/community. It was founded 31 oct 2007 by Dylan Fields and has been run in the past by Rachel Thuro and Joel Burman.
How many members does the LAMB have?
As of our numbering right now we have 1700+ members but not all of them are active. I’m estimating that we have around 1,000 active members on the LAMB.
What are the general requirements for a blog to become a LAMB member?
See the join page for more details
If I have a podcast or a vlog can I still join the LAMB?
Yes, but the same rules applies as for bloggers.
Is there any other LAMB platforms beside the website?
Yes, the LAMB can roughly be categorized as a three pillar structure community.
- The LAMB site (Final announcements and reminders)
- The LAMBforums (Breeding ground for most LAMB features and feedback on existing ones. If you want a say on stuff that ends up on the LAMB I’d recommend being active on the forum)
- The LAMB Twitter & Facebook (announcements and general communication)
Does the LAMB twitter account have any guidelines?
Yes, the basis for the LAMB twitter is to RT its members’ tweets. The only exception is news oriented stuff like casting or green lightning announcements etc. Using hashtags is a huge part of the twitter experience and with that in mind I’ve compiled a list of LAMB related ones that you could use to help getting your message out.
The main LAMB tag = #thelambLAMB of the Month = #lotm
MOTM = #lambmotm
Lambcast = #lambcast
LAMB Podcasting Network = #lambpodnetwork
Classic Chops = #classicchops
Lamb Casting = #lambcasting
Lamb Scores = #lambscores
Directors Chair = #dirchair
General bounding hashtag = #lammiesunite Classic Filmblogger Hashtag = #classicblogcorner
What is the daily LAMB and how can I get my material featured on it?
The daily LAMB is a daily self-generated internet publication within the LAMB community. It randomly compiles a daily edition based on blogposts and news articles from the LAMB members.
What is the LAMMYs?
What is the LAMBcast and the LAMB Podcasting Network?
See the LAMB Podcasting Network resource page.
Can I contribute to the LAMB?
Yes, we are always on the look-out for new contributors and if you have an idea for a feature that could be hosted on the LAMB send an e-mail pitch to largeassmovieblogs(at)gmail.com or bring it up in the forums and it might be implemented. However, if you come up with a feature that we include on the LAMB rooster we share immaterial copyright with you and might continue the feature without your participation.
Hello, do you guys review movies? Can we submit a film for a review?