
Welcome to the LAMB Podcasting Network.

As you might gather from the title, this is an opt-in gathering of LAMBs with podcasts, whereby we cross-promote each others’ shows as a way to grow all of our audiences.

What you’ll find below is a listing of each member of the Network – a show banner, name, and listing of the LAMBs that bring the show to you.

The simple plan is to feature trailers (ads) for each other’s shows.  A schedule is sent out of which show’s trailer to play for episodes posted between dates X and Y. Lather, rinse, repeat, with a new trailer for the next time frame.

The only costs for admission to the Network are to play (insert) two audio files related to the Network into each of your episodes: 1) the trailer listed on the current schedule, and 2) the LPN’s 10-second bumper.

If you’d like to officially join the network, send a 200×90 banner for your podcast to jaycluitt@hotmail.com, as well as the URL of your choosing.  Also needed will be a 30-second trailer (approximately) for your show (please keep it clean) as well as the names and URLs for any LAMB sites involved with the show.

Subscribe to the combined LPN podcast RSS feed here

The LPN’s bumper is right below; download it by right-clicking the link below and selecting “Save Target As” (Mac: Control + Click).


Thanks for your interest in the LPN!

Any questions can be left in the comments here or sent to jaycluitt@hotmail.com

Active Shows

Subject: CINEMA
* LAMBs involved: eCinemaOne
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
Novastream Movies DC Domination / Marvellous /
* LAMBs involved: Novastreamovies
* Subscribe iTunes (DC) / iTunes (Movies Lounge) / iTunes (Marvellous)
* Trailer
mmpodcast-200x90 Movie Mavericks Podcast
* LAMBs involved: Movie Mavericks
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
Cinema in Noir Logo 1 Cinema in Noir
* LAMBs involved: Reel Talk
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer: none yet
Filmwhys LPN Filmwhys
* LAMBs involved: Flights, Tights and Movie Nights
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer (updated June 2015)
acrosstheuniversepodcastnetwork Across the Universe
* LAMBs involved: Being Norma Jeane * Film Flare  *  Lime Reviews and Strawberry Confessions
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer (updated June 2014)
Forgotten Filmcast Forgotten Filmcast
* LAMBs involved: Forgotten Films
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
Pic_For_LAMB The Simplistic Reviews Podcast
* LAMBs involved: Simplistic Reviews
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer (PG)
* Trailer (PG-13)
The LAMBcast
* LAMBs involved: Life Vs Film, To the Escape Hatch!
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
rsz_showcase The Mad, Bad and Downright Strange Showcase
* LAMBs involved: From the Depths of DVD Hell
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer: None yet
reallyawfulmovies-header_LAMB Really Awful Movies Podcast
* LAMBs involved: Really Awful Movies
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
Exploding Helicopter Exploding Helicopter
* LAMBs involved: Exploding Helicopter
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
Stop Button Favorites Stop Button Favorites
* LAMBs involved: The Stop Button
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer: None Yet
3 minute weekend mini Three Minute Weekend
* LAMBs involved: eCinemaOne
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
InSession Film InSession Film
* LAMBs involved: InSession Film
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
MFF-Logo-small version Movies, Films & Flix
* LAMBs involved: Movies, Films & Flix
* Trailer: None Yet
milfcast mini MILFcast
* LAMBs involved: Man, I Love Films
* Trailer
The 1001 Movies Podcast
* LAMBs involved: The 1001 Movies Podcast
* Trailer
The Popcorn Auteur
* LAMBs involved: The Popcorn Auteur
* Trailer: None Yet
  Cinema Recall
* LAMBs involved: That Moment In, Vern’s Video Vortex
* Trailer
  The First Time Watchers Podcast
* LAMBs involved: The First Time Watchers Podcast
* Trailer
The Back Row
* LAMBs involved: What I Watched Tonight
The People’s Movies
* LAMBs involved: The People’s Movies

Shows on hiatus/ended

Picking Brains Podcast -Banner The Picking Brains Podcast (Hiatus)
* LAMBs involved: The Picking Brains Podcast
* Trailer
As You Watch (Hiatus)
* LAMBs involved: The Vern’s Video Vortex, The Cinematic Katzenjammer
* Trailer (updated June 2014)
Forced Viewing Podcast (Hiatus)
* LAMBs involved: Forced Viewing
* Trailer
Film Yarn (Ended)
* LAMBs involved: Film Yarn
Silver-Screen2 Silver Screen Speak (Ended)
* LAMBs involved: The Vern’s Video Vortex, Thoughts of a Dying Cinephile
Box Office Buzz Box Office Buzz aka Front Seat Cinema (Ended)
* LAMBs involved: BuzzHub
FaceCastButton FaceCast (Ended)
* LAMBs involved: Your Face! and 1001 Plus
film-misery-lamb Film Misery Podcast (Ended)
* LAMBs involved: Film Misery
lamb banner KL5-FILM (Ended)
* LAMBs involved: KL5-FILM
asp-logo-LAMB 200x90 An Alan Smithee Podcast (Ended)
* LAMBs involved: The Stop Button
The Lair of the Unwanted
* LAMBs involved: Your Face!
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
The Blueprint: Review Podcast
* LAMBs involved: Blueprint: Review
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer

French Toast Sunday Podcast
* LAMBs involved: French Toast Sunday
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer

The (title pending) Movie Podcast with Tank and Fogs
* LAMBs involved: Fogs’ Movie Reviews
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
Walt_Sent_Me_Banner Walt Sent Me
* LAMBs involved: Forgotten Films, Journeys in Classic Film
* Subscribe: iTunes / RSS
* Trailer
pasturebanner The Film Pasture
* LAMBs involved: Vern’s Video Vortex, Emma Explains it All
* Trailer
* LAMBs involved: The Vern’s Video Vortex
* Trailer
Rated M for McPhail
* LAMBs involved: 1001 Movies and Beyond
* LAMBs involved: AlcoHollywood
* Trailer
KTZR1 Katzenjammer Radio (Ended)
* LAMBs involved: The Cinematic Katzenjammer

7 thoughts on “LAMB Podcasting Network

    1. Yeah, I’m aware of FilmYarn’s lack of activity or lack thereof. Was just asking its host the other day on Twitter if the show was dead or not, to which he said it would be back.

      Short of that, what else are you seeing? (Feel free to email me if you like.)

      Also, you know you’re in Group B, right? Your larger concern (I would think) would be that the shows in Group A are active and playing their trailers…which will feature your show starting today.

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