
LAMB #1059 – TQS Magazine

URL: http://tqsmagazine.co.uk/Site Name: TQS MagazineCategories: Reviews, General, Humor, ListsRating: PG What is the main focus of your site?Pop Culture with a focus on film 🙂What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog?I’d like to become part…

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LAMB #1058 – Grab Bag Cinema

URL: http://www.grabbagcinema.com/Site Name: Grab Bag CinemaCategories: Reviews, General, News, Humor, (Other) TrailersRating: PG-13 What is the main focus of your site?Movie news and reviews. Contributors are given current films, at random, to review. From the cream of the crop to the bottom of the barrel.What are your blogging goals, personally…

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LAMB #1057 – Sicko-Psychotic

URL: http://sickopsychotic.blogspot.com/Site Name: Sicko-PsychoticCategories: Reviews, HorrorRating: R What is the main focus of your site?Horror EntertainmentWhat are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog?To pay tribute and celebrate the wonderful world of horror entertainment, regardless of how…

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