I pestered and pestered, and the results have come in. You’re dying to know who you are, aren’t you? Aren’t you?
Well, compared to last time, you’re: slightly older (24% in the 36-45 age range compared to 8%), more feminine (78% –69%), equally hetero-homosexual, similarly commited, relationship-wise, and equally white. More details below – here are the full results:
A couple times over the last few months, I’ve asked the LAMBs to take part in a little quiz I set up to gauge the demographics of the site authors that have joined. Participation ran pretty high, with 60 sites answering (out of a possible 95 or so).
Not surprisingly, the profile of your average LAMB author matches that of the usual stereotypical computer geek: a straight, single white American male between the ages of 26-35....