
Important Announcement

From Jed Medina, owner of LAMB #22, the Movie Fanatic (and hosting site for the LAMB Forums): “Just in case, the main tMF site has been hacked! I visited the LAMB forum and it still works, I have no idea if there will be problems in the coming hours…but just…

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Today’s Plugs

* Evil on Two Legs is giving away some free stuff in their “name-that-movie-super-amazing-fun-time contest.” Basically that boils down to them giving away a free copy of Clive Barker’s Jericho (xbox360) and a eo2l t-shirt (or mousepad, or coffee mug, or whatever the winner would like) to whomever can name…

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LAMB #22 – The Movie Fanatic

[Editor’s Note: This site’s url is no longer functioning. A moment of silence please…] URL: http://themovie-fanatic.com/ Site Name: The Movie Fanatic What is the main focus of your site (reviews, editorials, news, lists, etc.)?The Movie Fanatic’s main focus is film reviews (both mainstream and indie releases) and features on upcoming…

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