
PLUG: Tips from Chip

I am currently doing a set of movies related by their titles. I am counting up from zero to 50. I explain more about it here: http://tipsfromchip.blogspot.com/2011/09/movies-by-numbers.html As I went along I realized that if people read my post titles from newest to oldest they formed a “countdown”. After I…

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LAMB #1062 – Tips from Chip

URL: http://www.tipsfromchip.blogspot.com/Site Name: Tips from ChipCategories: Reviews, General, Humor, Classic Film, ListsRating: PG-13 What is the main focus of your site?My main focus is movies I would recommend to others. Among family, friends, and co-workers I was “the movie guy.” I was always making recommendations for people and they were…

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