Hi, I’m Lamb #1455 but I’ve recently renamed and relocated my blog. The new blog Writer Loves Movies is at http://writerlovesmovies.com/ and my new Twitter account is @WriterLovesFilm Is it possible to get this info updated on the Lamb table please? Thanks, Natalie
This is alot of fun! Are the missing numbers the dead LAMBs? I’d love to see which LAMB’s are dead? Fond memories of ‘xxx’ site, etc.
They new site posts still exist. For example, you could go to the archives for November 2007 and see the entries for LAMBs 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, etc.
Thought #1286 was not on the table. Good thing it’s still there.
Curious, how often are the LAMBTables updated with new blogs to the LAMB?
Usually we try to have it updated continuously but normally the last 20 entries or so make take a while.
Hi, I’m Lamb #1455 but I’ve recently renamed and relocated my blog. The new blog Writer Loves Movies is at http://writerlovesmovies.com/ and my new Twitter account is @WriterLovesFilm Is it possible to get this info updated on the Lamb table please? Thanks, Natalie