
The century mark has been reached!

For this special episode, we abandon our usual format altogether! We make stunning changes to the structure of the show! We challenge the laws of time and space! Or…I gather as many of the founding fathers of the show as possible and we have an informal interview show, catching up on our lives, blogs, and podcasts (or lack thereof). I was joined by: Nick Jobe of Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob, Jason Soto of Invasion of the B Movies, James Blake Ewing of Cinema Sights and Mike Mendez (aka Big Mike), formerly of Big Mike’s Movie Blog. Tom Clift of Movie Reviews by Tom Clift was a hopeful to join us, but sadly, was too busy galavanting across Europe to do so. So sit back and catch up with us, and get ready for the next 100 episodes! Thanks so much for listening and participating and giving feedback – it’s been a ton of fun!

Minor programming note: I’m bringing back the reading of feedback on the show; if you’d like yours read, leave it in the comments section of the post on the LAMB. Thanks!

And while we’re at it, a LAMB Plug! If you haven’t yet, please go and vote in the annual Lions for LAMBs poll, where we look back at the past year and shower it with awards.

If you’re interested, you too can be a LAMBcaster – we love new blood! For more information on the LAMBcast, check out the topic at the LAMB Forums. Music provided royalty-free by Kevin MacLeod’s Incompetech website. Big thanks to Kevin for providing this service. Opening song by Cake. The LAMBcast loves feedback, too – if you’d like yours read on a future show, leave it in the comments section at the LAMB. Please visit and like our Facebook page, and finally, we’re on iTunes, and would still love a review, even if it’s a bad one.

Thanks for listening!

Archived here: http://yourlisten.com/Lambcast/lambcast-100-100th-episode-special

4 thoughts on “LAMBcast #100

  1. Fun conversation. I didn’t start listening until last spring, so I missed a lot of the early shows. I need to check them out.

    To answer the most important question of the podcast, Nick should have flipped around Luna and Hermione.

  2. Agreed it was another great show about a topic that could be dwelled on further.

    I’d have liked to see a special edition of LLS consisting about LAMB movie blogs though… =)

    I assume you (Dylan) were inspired by this chat for the upcoming free form LAMBcast episode?

  3. I really loved this more blog centered discussion and I’d really love to get more of that on the Lambcasts. It would be cool to have reoccurring roundtables where the ins and outs of film blogging were disscussed.

    Oh and you mentioned the awesomeness of the Toronto meetups. I believe we’ve got something similar going on in Sweden now, much thanks to Joel. It’s awesome!

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