September is often a dumping ground for films that the studios have no faith in, but that is not the case this week. It seems like Warner Brothers has deftly maneuvered a film they have great expectations for, into a spot with little competition and an audience anxious for a legacy sequel. The cash is rolling in and now so are the opinions.
Our gaggle of guests this week include Emily Slade from the “Why This...
This week is a DIY project for the LAMBS. They are to assemble a top five list of any subject that they choose. So a Top Five List of anything movie related that they want to talk about: Stars, Films in a Genre, Taglines, Quotes, Posters, Songs, Scenes, it’s all up to the guests. What will they come up with?
Well, Thomas Stoneham-Judge of ForReel is about to cover the Toronto International Film Festival, so he figures out a way...
Paul Newman and Steve McQueen head an all star cast in the granddaddy of all disaster films, “The Towering Inferno”. If this looks familiar to you, then you are a longtime LAMB, because we did cover it as a MOTM back in 2016. That episode is currently lost, so this is a chance to restore the film to it’s rightful place on the LAMB wall of fame.
The world’s tallest building is being dedicated with a party on...
Seven films into the “Alien” Franchise (excluding the AVP Crossovers), Ridley Scott turns the reins over to Fede Alverez, to try and revive the series. Has he succeeded? The box office and Rotten Tomatoes seem to say yes, but our community may have some different standards and you will certainly want to hear from this group of critics/fans.
Horror is the ecosphere that Lisa Leaheey and Damien Riley live in. Heather...
There was a short voting window, but we did get a pretty good turnout. Once again, the outcome was close, with the top two vote getters being separated by a miniscule number of ballots cast. Congratulations go to Dave Anderson of “Free Kittens Movie Guide”, for championing the 1974 disaster film “The Towering Inferno” to the winners circle.
Dave will get to host the upcoming discussion of the film on...
A late start on this poll but the MOTM show is the last Sunday of the month, so we should have time to get plenty of voting in.
Jeanette Ward had a vision several months ago and she is now suggesting the 1986 Thriller “FX” starring Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehy.
FXHoward Casner is changing it up this month, giving up on his dreams of space and reverting to classic Hollywood, with the comedy/drama/romance...
The LAMBcast had a draft of 1984 films recently and you get to pass judgement on the selections. It was a great year for movies 40 years ago, and we found six LAMBs willing to throw down with their choices. It’s your turn to chime in and let us know which 1984 film slate best satisfies your film dreams. The poll will be up until the end of August. The winner will be announced then. The only prize is pride.
One of the things everybody seems to agree on is that 1984 was a landmark year for films. There were blockbusters that still have franchise installments up to today, as well as esoteric foreign language films, and cult movies galore released in that 366 day window. In was inevitable that the LAMB community would get a showdown of movies from that period.
Six Filmslingers have gathered for a draft to see who has picked the best slate...
One of the highly anticipated summer films opened this weekend, and the LAMB was there to take it in. Ryan Reynolds finds a way to dig Wolverine out of his grave and bring Hugh Jackman back to his signature role for the third in the irreverent “Deadpool” films. Is it a resurrection that works or should the whole thing be buried in the backyard? Our guests this week will answer that question and many more for...
Greetings LAMBs, you have been recruited by the LAMBcast to listen to this week’s episode, after you do, the Kodan Armada will be but a trifle for you to dispense with, it’s Movie of the Month time. The July MOTM was championed by Matthew Simpson of the Awesome Friday Podcast, and he hosts a crew of fellow recruits as we discuss the 1984 charmer “The Last Starfighter”.
We share our histories with the...
It’s 1969, the World is awaiting the first human landing on the moon, and apparently NASA needs some sponsorships. In the years before corporations paid to have their names on the football field/stadium/arena/parking space, they sold products associated with the event they wanted to associate with. Apparently Scarlett Johannsson is responsible for TANG! being the official breakfast drink of the astronauts and Omega being the watches...
We had six films submitted for MOTM for July, all of them received votes but five of them were separated by only a single vote as the final week of polling was coming to a close. With a dash to the finish line, Matthew Simpson of “Awesome Friday Podcast won the honor of hosting the show with his film, “The Last Starfighter” from 1984.
Matt and his awesome guests will be recoding this show next and the podcast will...