
Hey you! Send me an FYC image and I will put it up! I don’t care if I get one from 50 sites, I’ll find a way to get them all up, and as soon as possible (the nomination voting period only lasts until May 4th!). When you’re ready to vote, do it here: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/430540

FYC #7 is from LAMB #93, StinkyLulu. If you have to ask what StinkyLulu’s entry for Best Running Feature is, you obviously haven’t been there. Just go to Google and type in “Supporting Actress” – you’ll see that StinkyLulu is on one of the first few pages for that very general search. Put another way – I would not want to play trivia against StinkyLulu if the category was Supporting Actresses…

3 thoughts on “For Your Consideration: StinkyLulu

  1. I wasn’t using quotes when I searched (though I used them in the post). Third page or so without is almost more impressive, I’d say.

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