LAMMY Nomination Voting Progress

As a passive form of virtual pestering, I’ll be periodically posting this, a progress thermometer tracking the number of LAMMY voters to date. We’re currently at 8, versus a goal of 141, which is 50% of the eligible sites. For reference, last year, we had 35/78 (45%) voter turnout.

Horror bloggers – get on the ball soon or I’m coming for you. In general, you’re notoriously bad LAMB participants overall, hanging out in your own little corner with your fake blood and scary music. It’s time to come play with the other kids! Don’t make me bust out the Einstein pic…

fundraiser ideas

Free fundraiser thermometer for your original fundraisers

7 thoughts on “LAMMY Nomination Voting Progress

  1. I can’t tell if that’s sarcasm or not…

    Just in case it’s not, I’ll push up my plan to put up a ‘reminder’ in the sidebar. I was gonna wait a couple days – I have a tendency to, um, over-promote these things sometimes, I think. Which might be why I think you’re being sarcastic. Or maybe I’m just looking at the source. 😀

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