The other day Fletch made a call for new contributors to LAMB, so here I am with a new feature for you fellow LAMBS. LAMB Casting. I’m Andrew from Encore’s World of Film & TV.
I know that it’s blasphemous and all, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who imagines re-casting movies, books, TV shows, classics. You can’t help but think, who’d be a good modern day Rhett Butler or Eleanor of Aquitaine? Imagine Titanic without Kate and Leo? It’s always interesting to think what some films would like today with our modern actors, we like to say that the good ones are gone, but I’m sure there are some actors good and able to fill their shoes. So let’s get our own casting session going on right here, let’s do some casting LAMB style. We’ll start of big and easy: A Streetcar Named Desire. I know, I know – no one can touch Brando and Leigh. But we can dream can’t we? Now all we need is four sizzling actors and a damned good director. I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers, so why don’t the interested strangers [fellow LAMBS] do some casting?
Who’s your Blanche? Stanley? Mitch? Stella? And who’s going to direct it? Send your choices to this address. You have until Saturday, then I’ll post the choices and let you LAMBS vote. Happpy casting!

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