Hello, folks. This is Andrew from Encore’s World of Film & TV with another episode of LAMB Casting. I’m veering into recent times with this entry 2008’s Oscar nominated Doubt. I know you’re probably all queasy at the thought of recasting La Streep herself, but she’s probably busy prepping herself for this year’s ceremony so reading LAMB is probably low on her list of priorities. The rules are the same. Send your choice of cast (and director if you wish) to my email address dangerous.liaison231(@)yahoo.com (remove the parentheses). So cast he following four characters: Sister Aloysius Beauvier (original played by Meryl Streep); Father Brenda Flynn (originally played by Philip Seymour Hoffman); Sister James (originally played by Amy Adams); and Mrs. Miller (originally played by Viola Davis).
So, do your best dream up your own incarnations of this moral thriller. You have until next Saturday, GOOD LUCK.