- Articles on the actor’s best performances
- Articles on the actor’s worst performances
- General thoughts on the actor
- Reviews of the films the actor has starred in
Important Note for this Month: I will not be including Eyes Wide Shut in this feature. Any articles or reviews you have for that film should be submitted to the Stanley Kubrick edition of LAMBs in the Director’s Chair.
After reading this I’m not supposed to tap my fingers together, and perform a diabolical laugh at the idea I had am I?
LOL, Bill. References to The Critic are always welcome.
“Tom Cruise doesn’t really act any more. He’s on — CRUISE CONTROL!” — Jay Sherman
Tie-in with “Knight and Day”??
@Univarn – Diabolical laughter is always a good sign in my books
@Bill – Love the reference
@Marshall – Sort of. I always try and pick an actor/actress that has a film coming out in that given month. I also wanted to pick an actor/actress this month who was as loved amongst bloggers like Depp or Downey Jr were.