CS here with a new edition of the LAMB Acting School 101! Each month we will highlight a different actor/actress whose performances, for better or worse, have left a mark on the cinematic landscape. This month we look at…Julianne Moore
What we need from you:
Articles on her best performances
Articles on her worst performances
General thoughts on the actress
Reviews of the films she has starred in
Once you have the article and/or review posted on your blog, send the link to bigthoughtssmallmind@hotmail.com. As always multiple submissions are encouraged. The deadline for submissions is Monday August 2, 2010.
As you should already know by now, Jimmy Stewart is our actor of the month in the Acting School 101 feature, being hosted by me, MovieRob. Alongside the monthly blogathon held here on the LAMB site, I will also be hosting a monthly podcast episode devoted to the actor and…
Welcome Back Students! Rob from MovieRob here! I think that this series is a great way to get a look at what the members of the Lamb community think about the work of some of the most prolific actors/actresses who have been entertaining us all for so many years. I…
This month’s Acting School 101 teacher was Robert Downey Jr. We received a total of 358 reviews for 47 films that Robert Downey Jr. had parts in. That’s quite an impressive amount. Let’s see what the members of the LAMB community thought of Robert Downey Jr.‘s career: 1969 (1)MovieRob Air…
3 thoughts on “LAMB Acting School 101: Julianne Moore”
One of the best actresses of her time.
Thank God!!! I love you for this choice!