URL: http://wholeloadofblah.blogspot.com/
Site Name: (A) Whole Load Of Blah
Categories: Reviews, General, Editorials, (other) Diary of script development and updates of Film Production
Rating: NC-17
What is the main focus of your site?
Updates of filmmaking and personal activities of filmmaker Anthony Carpendale and new screenwriter Helen Dunleavy. Also blogging regarding other cinema related issues; reviews, editorial, other peoples events. Personal relates to kidney transplantation which relates to film projects in that a transplantation documentary is in pre-production and Helen Dunleavy’s script relates to dialysis issues.
What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog?
Began as an attempt at a diary record of the process of becoming a screenwriter through personal training, in order to capture both the failures and successes, to be transparent about the difficulties as well as breakthroughs. Both bloggers are now starting a British Collective of previous collaborators and returning to steady production. Goals from this point on are to develop more collaborative networks with no budget filmmakers, share information and news, create events, promote the Collective, as well as clearly track length of development in a journal style. From now would like to get more exposure for Collective collaborators and Anthony Carpendale and develop strong ties to similar filmmaking communities and independants.
Do you prefer an interactive community for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers the students?
I am most definitely an interactive type, being that I use my blog for the transparency of being the student. Anthony Carpendale also plans to be interactive building relationships.
How long have you been movie blogging for, and how frequent do you post updates to your site?
Since October 2010. So far activity has been sporadic, once a week on average. The intent from this point on is that posting will take places every other day on average. Sporadic posting has been due to health issues of the main blogger and infrequent filmmaking activity, but the second blogger has an uptick in filmmaking activity and is planning on writing about that. The bloggers have ties to filmmaking communities in Brighton, and across the UK including London, Scotland, Cardiff, Bristol and the Midlands and as part of collaboratives groups in those cities other bloggers may be invited to also use the blog. Even without other writers, a schedule of one short film per month is the focus at the moment and the blog linked to other sites such as Vimeo will be used regularly about production.
Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more).
Moon (Duncan Jones’ not me forgetting to including the words New or Twilight).
Hobson’s Choice.
Fight Club.
How did you hear about the LAMB?
Google search for sites dedicated to comprehensive knowledge of all film related blogs. LAMB obviously rates efficiently at the top. Have since seen that friend Chris Regan (Writer By Night blog) is listed and has received exposure via LAMB.
Any additional comments, or give yourself an interview question that’s not listed above.
Q) What is the one film project you’d love to do but don’t think you’d ever be able to without getting sued?
A) I’ve always wanted to do a film about a character called ‘Lax Tardcore’ who gets kidnapped by all the porn stars he ever abused (and any porn stars who just don’t like him in the spirit of the more the merrier) who abuse and humiliate him until he cries and whimpers for mommy like a little girl…
Is he Jackie Chan?
Cash Structured Settlements
This blog is defunct.