Articles, Podcasts, Artwork, and Lists
Steven, from Surrender to the Void, offers up what he thinks are Willem Dafoe’s10 best performances.
Over at The Couch Potato Club, Josh highlights his 5 favorite Willem Dafoe roles.
Evan, of The Buzz: Movie Reviews, considers Shadow of the Vampire to be Dafoe’s best performance ever.
Toby of Blah Blah Blah Gay lists Willem Dafoe’s notable performances.
The Last Temptation of Christ
Foolish Blatherings
Shadow of the Vampire
Commentary Track
Forced Viewing
The Great Movie Project
Surrender to the Void
Dan the Man’s Movie Review
Finding Nemo
Foolish Blatherings
The English Patient
Defiant Success
Dan the Man’s Movie Review
Big Thoughts From a Small
Foolish Blatherings
Surrender to the Void
Inside Man
Foolish Blatherings
Dan the Man’s Movie Review
The Boondock Saints
Saturday Night Screening
Foolish Blatherings
The Boondock Saints II
Dan the Man’s Movie Review
Commentary Track
Foolish Blatherings
Big Thoughts From a Small Mind
Dan the Man’s Movie Review
The Late, Late Show
Born on the Fourth of July
Foolish Blatherings
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Surrender to the Void
Defiant Success
Speed 2: Cruise Control
Saturday Night Screening
Wide Screen World
Surrender to the Void
American Psycho
Forced Viewing (review # 1)
Forced Viewing (review # 2)
Forced Viewing (review # 3)
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Foolish Blatherings
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant
The Late, Late Show
Next month’s LAMB Acting School 101 subject will be Meryl Streep! If you would like to see your favourite actor/actress highlighted in this series, be sure to add their name to the list in the forum section of The LAMB. or email your suggestion to [email protected].
Past actors/actresses featured in this column can be found in the LAMB Acting School 101 Archives.
If there’s someone to learn from it’s William. He’s a fantastic actor.