
Andrew here with the results of LAMB Casting for the wilder classic Sabrina. it’s been our most popular episode yet with a whopping nine entries and a just as whopping (for me at least) 74 votes. Let’s get straight to the lineup.
Brian Hewson of Brian vs Movies chose this cast:


Now that the official end of Harry Potter has come and gone, I’m anxious to see what the Potter children go on to. I’m not completely sold on Emma Watson, but I think the choice of her as Sabrina is an inspired one. Were a remake to happen, an actual ingénue in the lead role would do wonders and having her flanked by two notable thespians Renner and Fassbender would, I presume, put her in good stead.

CS of Big Thoughts From a Small Mind decided on:



Abbie, Abbie. I’m still hoping for the lovely Abbie Cornish to secure a fine film role after her excellent performance in Bright Star and how lovely is it having play opposite Ralph Fiennes and James McAvoy – the former British royalty, and the latter British royalty to be. Most of you know how much I love the Britons and though Abbie is Australian having her in the midst of these two gents is excellent.

Malcolm Gunderson of The Final Oscar singled out:



I love the youthfulness of this cast. I fell in love with Aaron Tveit’s voice on the Next to Normal cast recording. I can’t attest to his acting skills, but I like the choice of someone of his age as the brash David. Goode is an actor I’ve never racked up a significant appreciation for, but that’s not evidence of him not being up to the task and Natalie Portman in her naturally sweet cadence does seem like a likeable Sabrina.

Shane Slater of Film Actually chose:



In the battle of the corsets I’m a firm believer in Keira Knightley. I wouldn’t cast her in everything, but I’d cast her in a lot if I had the chance and I like her as Sabrina especially having her pair up with Firth, fresh off his Oscar win. It’s the slightest bit weird having the Briton duo with McMahon, but doesn’t he have just the right touch of rakish charm for David?

Chip Lary of Tips From Chip (how great a blog name is that?) picked out:



Farrell immediately got my attention here. He’s one of my favourite actors who constantly seems just below comprehensive critical attention and the idea of him and Portman as a couple is intriguing. I’m vaguely doubtful of Clooney here, but I’m vaguely doubtful of Clooney anywhere. He sure is charming enough, but I wonder if he’s not a touch too spirited for Linus…

Arabella Amanda of As Times Goes By chose:



One Audrey for another. Despite Amelie Tatou never really broke out into the public consciousness as much as you’d have expected her to – and now Marion Cotillard has taken the spot of lovely Frenchwoman. I’d buy her incarnation of Sabrina, though. It’s an interesting trio seeing her flanked by Wilson and Clooney. Other than the age variation, I’d be interested in seeing Clooney as David and Wilson as Linus.

Raghav of Ticker Talks Film singled out



Two Ryans and an Anne. I’ve gotten over my chronic hatred of Anne Hathaway, and now I’m just curious to see what she can do. I’m curious, for example, if she could possibly temper her general effervescence for the subtlety of Sabrina but I’m intrigued by her being paired with Gosling. Reynolds is an actor who’s never completely impressed me, yet, but I do think he has potential. So. I’m not in disagreement with him showing up here.

Anna of Defiant Success chose:



I’m actually shocked that only Anna decided on Carey. A couple of years ago everyone was seeing her as the next Audrey…I’m neither here nor there on that because I don’t specifically love Audrey, and from what I’ve seen of Carey she’s adorable. I like that Gosling, usually so silent, is playing the more active character here and it’s nice to see the usually brash Bale as the more silent Linus. It’s hard to argue with this trio.

Toby Halsey of blah blah blah gay decided on:



I like that Toby went for the comedy of the material and chose a Sabrina that has those chops down. Emma Stone is still a rising star, but she’s a more than credible chose for our ingénue. It’s an Inception with Gordon-Levitt and Hardy, and I think both are interesting though I’ve not been floored by either – yet.
Now, before I reveal the results I have to say because of all the choices I couldn’t help but mix and match the casts. Imagine a cast with James McAvoy, Keira Knightley and Michael Fassbender or the youthful Emma with the similarly youthful Aaron or Carey and Tom? So many choices….
The votes came and it was ridiculous close with the top votes going like so 15/14/13. I don’t usually post the runners-up, but it was so close I felt I had to at least give a mention to the runners up who were Chip  and Toby but the winner towering above them all was Anna of Defiant Success….which only goes to show, you don’t mess with Carey Mulligan – girl’s got an education.
Weigh in on what you think of the results? Is Carey a worthy successor to the throne of Sabrina?

5 thoughts on “LAMB Casting: Sabrina (RESULTS)

  1. Anna’s was my favorite amongst them. With so many of them, I felt like either the age of the Sabrina actress was too young or one of the three just didn’t feel right. Hers felt the most right.

  2. I like Carey and Ryan in those roles, but I really don’t believe Christian Bale as Linus (based on how the character was played in the movie). Congrats anyway Anna!

  3. Is this where I do the acceptance speech? I’ll refrain from it…this time around.

    (It wasn’t easy trying to find three good actors around the same age. I only wanted to make just a little different than what Billy Wilder had done.)

  4. I had half forgotten about this (I’ve been away for a few weeks and am just catching up now.) I’m happy to see people liked the choices I suggested. Like MovieNut14 said, it was hard to think of three good actors that were the right ages for the three roles. (Thanks for the aside on my blog name.)

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