
LAMB #1116 – Film Crazy

URL: http://thepersonwhowatchesmovies.blogspot.com/Site Name: Film CrazyCategories: Reviews, (Other) Occasional Top 5 ListsRating: PG What is the main focus of your site?The main focus of my site is to share movie reviews (which I have written) to help others decide which movies in theaters, or on DVD, are worth their time. There’s…

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LAMB #1113 – Unknown Realms

URL: http://knickrehm.blogspot.com/Site Name: Unknown RealmsCategories: Reviews, Horror, (Other) Film maker’s Personal BlogRating: PG-13 What is the main focus of your site?A daily film review site by a filmmaker that also features his work from time to time.What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything,…

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