George Clooney
- Articles on his best performances
- Articles on his worst performances
- General thoughts (e.g. random articles, top ten lists, artwork, etc) on the actor
- Links to podcasts where you have discussed the actor’s work
- Reviews of the films the actor has appeared in
- Any material you have written in the past on this actor
I like your website very much, and i m a big fan of George Clooney. What a great personality he has. I have a big collection of all Hollywood celebrities on my website. You will really enjoy it.
Submissions due on Oscar day! I think I’ll post mine before, and then try to remember that I have to update it if he wins.
Great choice for this month, and hopefully The LAMB will benefit from some extra traffic from people looking him up post-awards!
Perfect, I’m planning on reviewing both Ides of March and The Descendants together. I might throw in some Clooney-related list if I have time by then.