CS, of Big Thoughts from a Small Mind, here with all the submissions for our LAMB Acting School 101 feature on Marlon Brando. Huge thanks to all the sites that took the time to send in their posts.

Articles, Podcasts, Artwork, and Lists

In this edition of Can’t Stops the Movies‘ podcast, Can’t Stop the Podcast, the guys discuss one of Brando’s worst film.

Brandi of True Classics talks about censorship censorship and A Streetcar Named Desire.

Shane from Film Actually share his three favourite scenes involving Marlon Brando.

KC of A Classic Movie Blog examines a memorable interview that Dick Cavett had with Marlon Brando.

Big Thoughts from a Small Mind’s own Jenny says her favourite Brando role is not what you would expect.

Anna, the brains behind Defiant Success, does a Book vs. Movie comparison for bothThe Fugitive Kind and The Godfather


A Streetcar Named Desire
Commentary Track
Cinematic Corner
1001 Plus
Defiant Success

Last Tango in Paris
The Movie Review Warehouse
1001 Plus
Surrender to the Void
Defiant Success

The Wild Ones

The Chase
The Hollywood Revue

The Godfather
1001 Plus
Surrender to the Void

The Godfather Part II
1001 Plus

Guys and Dolls
1001 Plus

On the Waterfront
Surrender to the Void
Defiant Success
Big Thoughts from a Small Mind

Surrender to the Void

The Fugitive Kind
Surrender to the Void

Julius Caesar
Surrender to the Void

Apocalypse Now
Surrender to the Void

The Young Lions
Defiant Success

The Men
Defiant Success
The Movie Project

Next month’s LAMB Acting School 101 subject will be Cate Blanchett! If you would like to see your favourite actor/actress highlighted in this series, be sure to add their name to the list in the forum section of The LAMB. or email your suggestion to bigthoughtsmallmind@hotmail.com.

Past actors/actresses featured in this column can be found in the LAMB Acting School 101 Archives.

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