Ask The LAMB: Meet The Contributors!

If you read yesterday’s post you already know we’re about to kick off a new feature here at The LAMB called “Ask The LAMB”, where YOU send in movie related questions and WE answer them to the “best” of our “abilities”. Like I mentioned in that post, I got together a crack team of contributors who will be regularly answering whatever problems you throw our way and I figured I’d take the time now to introduce to you who will be taking on this huge task!

First off is Dylan Fields from Man, I Love Films. He acts like he formed this place and ran it years ago, then quit to run another hugely successful website. He likes movies and spreadsheets and hates spiders. Take that for what it’s worth.

Next is Matt from Chuck Norris Ate My Baby. He’s been nominated for Best Blog Name so many times, Chuck Norris pays HIM royalties for the name. Matt is also a pretty funny dude and seems to know a lot of shit.

Speaking of knowing a lot of shit, TheGreatWhiteDope will gladly show off how much he knows about all kinds of obscure movies, so obscure I’m almost convinced he’s making them up half the time. He’s been a great blogging friend and I look forward to working with him.

Speaking of working with him, Nolahn of The Bargain Bin Review is my podcasting partner in crime and is up on Japanese culture. So if you wanna know why they say “KAWAII” a lot, you should ask him.

Speaking of KAWAII….wait that doesn’t work. I couldn’t get that to work a third time? Damn, I suck. Well, speaking of someone who DOESN’T suck, Simon of Screen Insight is British and seems to have a love affair with “Batman and Robin”. That…worries me somewhat. (But he seems to love classic movies too, so I guess that makes up for it.)

Then we got Lindsay from French Toast Sunday in on this. She’s the head writer of FTS and…well that’s all I know about her cause I just met her a month or so ago. I do know she’s awesome! That counts for something, right?

Next up is my friend Adam, who occasionally will write stuff for me at Invasion of the B Movies. Me and him have been friends for years and his movie collection can kick my movie collection’s ass in a heart beat. He live in L.A, which is amazingly awesome and he’s also my booze expert. If I need to know what booze to pair up with a horrible movie, he’s my man. Hear that, drunkards?

And finally….there’s me. Jason Soto. I run Invasion of the B Movies and have been doing so quite awesomely since 2005. I love horror movies, along with action and comedies. I’m mainly what you call “the indoors type” and I’ve met the great living legend in person: Tommy Wiseau, who called me Jabe.

And that’s it. This is your Ask The LAMB crew! The best bunch of people I could gather! Now we just need to buy a van and drive cross country and interfere with other people’s problems. OHH! I CALL BEING MR. T!

Send in your questions or problems to [email protected] TODAY!

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