
Hey fellow lamb’s its that time a month again when I get the chance to call out one of our LAMB members. As usual this monthly award goes to a member that recently have done a lot of good for the LAMB community.

Check out who is this months lucky recipient after the jump.
Well this month it was an easy choice. I had to give it to Nick Powell from The Cinematic Katzenjammer after he scoured through 800+ LAMBs or so retrieving their e-mail addresses for the upcoming LAMB Sight and Sound list (I’m still working on the mass e-mail layout for that send-out).

Podcast Episode of the Month

Don’t have one for this month since I’ve only had time to listen my usual shows and I like to highlight shows I haven’t already recommended here. 

The LAMB Referral Leaderboard

On these posts I’ll also compile a leader board of new lamb referrals, it will be based from the new lambs I’ve been adding and onward. I have re-formatted the scoring table so you’ll be shown on the board when you hit two newbie referrals.

The Girl Who Loves Horror 2
Today I watched a Movie 2

Thats all for now! Thanks for reading!

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