This special episode focuses on the just-finished 2003 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, UT. With over 40,000 attendees, you know there was bound to be at least a few LAMBs there. We talk to Shala Thomas from Life Between Films about her Sundance experiences: how she approaches the fest, where to go and (of course) what her favorite films were.
I hope to do more mini-episodes like this so if you have a film festival or another timely film event you’d like to talk about, let me know at [email protected]. And keep an eye on The Film Pasture twitter feed because if big film news breaks, I may just ask a couple of LAMBs to come on-line and discuss it.
We return to our regularly scheduled episodes this Wednesday.
Great show guys I hope we can have a LAMB delegation in Sundance within a couple of years.