
LAMMY AwardsYou’ve spent the last three weeks researching blogs, narrowing down your favorites, and crafting elegant submission statements. It would be a shame if you forgot to send them in.

That’s why we’re sending one last, final reminder that the Submissions Stage for this year’s LAMMY Awards ends this Sunday, March 17.

To allow the maximum flexibility for submissions this weekend, we’ll be leaving the forums open all day Sunday, up until 11:59 pm, Pacific Time in the U.S.

Yes, you are allowed to submit yourself!

Follow this link for a review of all the rules, categories and procedures

Follow this link for a video explanation of this year’s rule changes.

If you are ready to submit, the forums can be found here.

If you have any trouble accessing the forums, the backup plan is to email your submissions to nevertooearlymoviepredictions@gmail.com . Please be sure to write “LAMMY SUBMISSIONS” in the subject line and include all the same information you would have entered into the forums, including the category(s) you are submitting in.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


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