Hello and welcome to this year’s FYC Poster tournament. While we are all waiting and voting for which blogs should win a Lammy, I’m just as interested in which poster is the best. There are a ton of creative posters this year, and personally I think this batch is overall better than the ones we had last year. If you were here last year, the rules are the same. I’ll be posting several match-ups in each round and your task is to vote for your favorite in each pair. You can leave your choices in the comments below, or you can send an e-mail to Bubbawheat@msn.com. No anonymous votes will be counted. You don’t have to be a Lamb member to vote, but your comment should link back to your site/blog. Click on the poster thumbnails to view the full sized image, and click the name under the poster to visit the owner’s site. Each round will be up for two days so be sure to get your votes in and check back for the next round! Good luck to you all!
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The Large Association of Movie Blogs (The LAMB) is proud to announce the winners of the 2013 LAMMY Awards. The LAMB is the world’s largest film blog directory and community, with 1550 member blogs, and can be found at https://largeassmovieblogs.com/. The LAMMY Awards honor the talent, dedication and expertise that…

2013 LAMMY for Best Blog!
Presented by Stevee from Cinematic Paradox.

2013 LAMMY for Best Genre Blog!
Here is the announcement for best movie genre blog in the 2013 LAMMYS.
The quality of posters this year is so impressive!
Here are my picks for this round:
Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop
The Cinematic Katzenjammer
The Gold Knight
Bonjour Tristesse
Mettel Ray
Being Norma
And So It Begins
Rambling Film
I really love the posters this year.
Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop
The Cinematic Katzenjammer
The Gold Knight
Bonjour Tristesse
Mettel Ray Movie Blog
Being Norma Jeane
The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World
You forgot to vote for the And So it Begins… vs. Man I Love Films match.
Oh shit. And So it Begins definitely. Also, I’m not supposed to vote for my own blog, am I?
Yes, you’re allowed to vote for your own blog and you’re required to vote in all 8 pairs, so you’re good now.
Gold Knight
Me on the Movies
Norma Jean
And So it beings !
You forgot to vote in your own match-up, though I would imagine you would vote for your own poster.
I thought I won’t go for the “me, me” vote nor the other guy as well. I just skipped it.. casually.
Gold Knight
Just Chick
You forgot to vote in your own match-up, even though it’s safe to assume you aren’t going to vote against your own site.
Terry Malloy
Life Between Films
Gold Knight
Mettel Ray
Norma Jean
And So It Begins…
Rambling Film
Terry Malloy
Life Between Films
Gold Knight
Bonjour Tristesse
Mettel Ray
Being Norma Jean
And So It Begins…
Rambling Film
Terry Malloy
Life Between Films
Gold Knight
Mettel Ray
Norma Jean
And So It Begins…
Rambling Film
Terry Malloy
Life Between Films
The Gold Knight
Me on the Movie
Mettel Ray
Just Chick Flicks
And So it Begins
Rambling Film
Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop
The Cinematic Katzenjammer
The Gold Knight
Bonjour Tristesse
Mettel Ray Movie Blog
Just Chick Flicks
And So it Begins…
The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World
If I’d know it was gonna be such a slaughter, I’d have voted for my banner…
Terry Malloy
Gold Knight
Me on the Movie
Mettel Ray
Chick Flicks
Man I love films
fraud in the world
Life Between Films
Gold Knight
Me on the Movie
Mettel Ray
Just Chick Flicks
And So it Begins
Rambling Film
Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop
Cinematic Katzenjammer
The Gold Knight
Bonjour Tristesse
Mettel Ray Movie Blog
Being Norma Jean
Man, I Love Films
The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World
I figure, if I am going to be crushed in the voting, I might as well vote for myself. Make it a little more respectable.
Seriously though, there are some damn fine banners this year – from pretty much everyone.
Gold Knight
Norma Jeane
And So it Begins
Life Between Films
Gold Night
Me On The Movie
Mettel Ray
Chick Flicks
And So It Begins
Beautiful Fraud
An Online Universe
Life Between Films
The Gold Knight
Me on the Movie
Mettel Ray
Just Chick Flick
And So it Begins..
The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World
Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop
Life Between Films
The Gold Knight
Bonjour Tristesse
Mettel Ray Movie Blog
Just Chick Flicks
And So It Begins (although this was the hardest)
The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World
Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop
Cinematic Katzenjammer
The Gold Knight
Bonjour Tristesse
Mettel Ray Movie Blog
Being Norma Jean
And So It Begins…
The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World