Presented by Julie and Tracy from And Seen.
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The Large Association of Movie Blogs (The LAMB) is proud to announce the winners of the 2013 LAMMY Awards. The LAMB is the world’s largest film blog directory and community, with 1550 member blogs, and can be found at The LAMMY Awards honor the talent, dedication and expertise that…

2013 LAMMY for Best Blog!
Presented by Stevee from Cinematic Paradox.

2013 LAMMY for Best Genre Blog!
Here is the announcement for best movie genre blog in the 2013 LAMMYS.
“He came out of the back dumpster…he also won’t let us leave.” The presenters for Best Horror Blog are hilarious!
Can’t go wrong with the And Seen girls. Love you guys! 🙂
Congrats on the win Ryan!!!
Rhinos congratulations. Love your work. And Scene, Damn entertaining.
Yay, congrats!
Congrats Ryan! Well deserved!
Hell yeah, Ryan. Good job. Your blog is awesome.
Great video presentation as well.
Congrats Rhino’s Horror and splendid job with that video lizadies.
Congratulations, Ryan, your blog is awesome. Well deserved!
Congrats Cinema Schimera and Rhino’s horror. Well played, Well Played. Another great video from the girls of And Seen. I wish you had your own 30 minute sitcom
CONGRATULATIONS! SOO happy to have been introduced to all the wonderful blogs in this category.