Presented by Daniel Lackey of Forced Viewing. I’ll update this post in 48 hours with the exact voting numbers for runner-up and winner (I forgot to mention to the presenters to use them in the videos).
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The Large Association of Movie Blogs (The LAMB) is proud to announce the winners of the 2013 LAMMY Awards. The LAMB is the world’s largest film blog directory and community, with 1550 member blogs, and can be found at The LAMMY Awards honor the talent, dedication and expertise that…

2013 LAMMY for Best Blog!
Presented by Stevee from Cinematic Paradox.

2013 LAMMY for Best Genre Blog!
Here is the announcement for best movie genre blog in the 2013 LAMMYS.
Well done guys and congratulations to everyone who was nominated.
Congrats on your win 3 Guys One Movie
Congrats to all 3 Guys. LOL
CONGRATSULATIONS to the 3 Guys!! Great stuff!
So excited I misspelled CONGRATULATIONS! oops!
Congrats 3 Guys!
Congratulations on the win guys!
Congrats to all. way to go 3 Guys 1 Movie!