We have lots of reviews for you this week as we take a look at a bunch of popular new releases. First up we have the biopic of baseball legend Jackie Robinson titled 42. We also have reviews for Derek Cianfrance’s The Place Beyond the Pines and the latest Tom Cruise action film Oblivion. Finally, we have a few reviews for Scary Movie 5. Find out below what the LAMB had to say about these movies and don’t forget to enter your future reviews in the forums.
Rotten Tomatoes: 3.85 (77%)
IMDb: 3.85 (7.7/10)
LAMB: 3.56 (16)
Average: 3.75
Rotten Tomatoes: 4.05 (81%)
IMDb: 3.85 (7.7/10)
LAMB: 3.47 (33)
Average: 3.79
Rotten Tomatoes: 2.80 (56%)
IMDb: 3.60 (7.2/10)
LAMB: 3.32 (30)
Average: 3.24
Mr. Rumsey’s Film Related Musings
Rotten Tomatoes: 0.02 (4%)
IMDb: 1.95 (3.9/10)
LAMB: 0.75 (6)
Average: 0.91
CinemaNerdz (2)
The Critical Movie Critics (1)
An Online Universe (0.5)
I think someone needs to take a look at the Lambscores, there are lots of films that haven’t been published yet
There will inevitably be a lot of films that aren’t published, based on the guidelines of the LAMBScores. You won’t see every film on the site because:
(a) Only films with at least 5 reviews within 3 weeks of release get published. This is an effort to try to somewhat reflect a consensus of the LAMB.
(b) The 3-week time frame is due to the desire to maintain relevancy of the scores. We want the scores to be about the latest films in theaters.
There is a thread in the forums about the rules here: http://thelambforums.proboards.com/thread/1214/read-before-posting-lambscores-rules
Shane is right. However, the problem is mainly that most lamb members don’t post their reviews in the forums. If say 90% of our active members would I doubt very many films would be left out. So I suggest recommending sites you visit that are LAMB members to post their scores.
Oh man, I’ve seen both 42 and TPBTP but I haven’t written the reviews yet.. I kind of wished I made it to the time frame of the scores but no such luck…
42 better LAMB score than The Place Beyond the Pines = Mind Blown