
Skärmavbild 2013-12-08 kl. 21.04.12

Site name Film Guinea Pig
Site URL http://filmguineapig.blogspot.com
Twitter Handle @FimGuineaPig
Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/filmguineapig
Categories Reviews
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Site Rating PG
What is the main focus of your site? Seeking lesser known films that have been in release for some time to see if they have been neglected – giving unknown quality films another chance to find an audience. Also reviewing recent indie releases that may otherwise fly under the radar.
What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog? Curating an environment where people discover and contribute to a pool of worthy films that deserve an audience they don’t currently have.
Do you prefer an interactive community for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers the students? I ask followers for their suggestions as well as researching myself, so it works both ways.
How long has this site been active for, and how frequently do you post updates to your site? (Note: sites must be active for at least three months for entry to the LAMB.) Since April, 2013. I now post reviews at least twice a week.
Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more). Chinatown
Lake of Fire
Ace in the Hole
Name a movie you hate!! Any Bond film starring Roger Moore.
How did hear about the LAMB? If it was a LAMB, do you recall which one? via Twitter.

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