Site name | Carly Hearts Movies |
Site URL | |
Twitter Handle | @carly_booth8 |
Facebook Page | |
Categories | Reviews General Humor |
Site Rating | PG |
What is the main focus of your site? | My tagline is “Movie reviews from that kid your mom warned you about.” I write movie reviews that take the art of film seriously, but with a casual, humorous tone. I like to think I’m that crazy, walking-IMDb friend of yours. |
What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog? | Professionally, I want to be an entertainment writer, and film is my area of expertise. I want to build up a nice reserve of work to take with me when I enter the big leagues. Personally, I just love writing about movies, recommending good ones to my friends and protecting them from bad ones. |
Do you prefer an interactive community for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers the students? | Somewhere in the middle. I deeply appreciate my reader input but I do almost all the talking. |
How long has this site been active for, and how frequently do you post updates to your site? (Note: sites must be active for at least three months for entry to the LAMB.) | I created it in March of 2014, but I changed its name several times until sticking to Carly Hearts Movies in September. |
Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more). | Just three?? Oh, dear… (plays Jeopardy think music): The Usual Suspects The Silence of the Lambs Groundhog Day |
Name a movie you hate!! | Titanic |
How did hear about the LAMB? If it was a LAMB, do you recall which one? |