
#1837 F For Films

Site name F for Films
Site URL Fforfilms.net
Twitter Handle @magadizer
Categories Reviews
Classic Film
Site Rating PG
What is the main focus of your site? F for Films is a site for my essays on all sorts of movies, from classic Hollywood, to foreign and art films, to an occasional current release.
What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog? My goal is to join an online community which enjoys discussing film. I want to share my thoughts and have others share theirs in return: dialogue!
Do you prefer an interactive community for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers the students? I much prefer an interactive community. I’m a teacher by profession, but in the realm of film I’m by no sense an expert, and I enjoy hearing the ideas and recommendations of others!
How long has this site been active for, and how frequently do you post updates to your site? (Note: sites must be active for at least three months for entry to the LAMB.) The site has been active for about a year now. I average 1-3 posts per month.
Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more). The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
The Trial
The Empire Strikes Back
Name a movie you hate!! Any Michael Bay Transformers
How did hear about the LAMB? If it was a LAMB, do you recall which one? Bex of Film Music Central

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