Acting School 101 – October 2020 Introduction – Kelly Preston

Welcome Back Students!

Rob from MovieRob here!

I think that this series is a great way to get a look at what the members of the Lamb community think about the work of some of the most prolific actors/actresses who have been entertaining us all for so many years.

I plan to try and focus on an actor or actress every month who has a birthday in that given calendar month.

Obviously, there are thousands upon thousands of actors and actresses to choose from but I will try and narrow it down to some of the men and women who have had a strong impact on the craft.

For this month, the chosen actor is Kelly Preston, a great Actress who recently left us but has still given us some really memorable roles to savor for all time.

According to IMDB, she surprisingly appeared in 44 different movies in her nearly 35 year film career.

What we need from you is any of the following:

  • Posts that you have written about her work or life.
  • Any podcast you may have recorded regarding the scope of her work over the years.
  • Specific reviews via posts or podcasts of films that she has appeared in.
  • Any general posts that you have done about her (top ten list, best performance post, worst performance post or even just random thoughts about her and her work).

These posts can be new posts or ones that you have written in the past.

Once you have the material posted on your site, please send me the link to actingschool101@movierob.net by 15th October and around the middle of the month, I will post a list of all of the submissions sent to me.

If you have a suggestion for an actor or actress to be featured in the future, feel free to contact me.

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