First off – if you haven’t yet, go follow The LAMBcast on Twitter!
Done? Ok, now, the show…
Coffee. Frances McDormand. Porn. Inventions. And corny time travel. Let it never be said that these types of episodes are run-of-the-mill. We travel all over the board and back again, exploring the various ways films can be compared to a myriad number of cheeses as well along the way.
It was billed as an epic showdown and, for the most part, it turned out that way. Two potential Champions have each been throwing out a certain film for several months now, so we decided to do something unique for the MOTM poll. Jason Soto of Your Face has been tossing out Primer and Nick Powell of The Cinematic Katzenjammer has been throwing out The Princess Bride. The idea was this: A Loser Goes Home...