(Welcome to the second official face-off of Sirens of the LAMBs! If you have not done so already, please read the previous fight and cast your vote! Remember to base it on the narratives and not just a bias!)
Warning: The following two narratives are slightly disturbing, just in case you have an unnaturally weak stomach when it comes to reading about/imagining torturous acts. Also, they hold spoilers...
Editor’s note: Welcome to the fifth of a multi-part series dissecting the 2008 Academy Awards, brought to you by the Large Association of Movie Blogs and its assorted members. Every weekday leading up to the Oscars, a new post written by a different LAMB will be published, each covering a different category (or more) of the Oscars (there are 24 in all). To read any other posts regarding this event, please just click on the tag...
(Editor’s Note: this site has been shut down. Thanks to Mike for submitting to the LAMB, and pour some out for a fallen homie.)
URL: http://www.mikemachacon.blogspot.com/
Site Name: 5th Row From the Screen What is the main focus of your site (reviews, editorials, news, lists, etc.)?