
PLUG: Reel Whore

To my fellow stargazers: Do you feel all Oscar’d out, but know the awards still haven’t been presented?! If you’re looking for a slightly different retrospective on the movies of 2010, click on over to Reel Whore. Today marks the mid-point in a seven day Best-of extravaganza designed to put…

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PLUG: Reel Whore

I know this is super late notice, but I’d love to get tons more votes for my latest FMK Friday! poll. The poll ends in 3 days, right after new year begins. Here”s the link over at the Reel Whore: http://reelwhore.blogspot.com/2010/12/fmk-friday-ball-droppin-dudes.html It’s pretty self-explanatory, but feel free to email with…

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LAMB #10 – Reel Whore

URL: http://reelwhore.blogspot.com/ Site Name: Reel Whore What is the main focus of your site (reviews, editorials, news, lists, etc.)?The focus of the Reel Whore is movie reviews but I have been known to dabble in entertainment-related commentary, both true and fictional, when the soapbox presents itself. What are your blogging…

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