So the 2011 LAMMY Nomination Poll has been up for a week and a half and I want to thank the 38 LAMBs who’ve cast their ballots so far. However, there is still a week and a half to go and we’re not yet at half the voters we had for the 2010 LAMMYs. So the rest of you eligible LAMBs (#1-900) please go vote: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/521956 If you don’t know where to start out of 900 blogs, here’s some advice: 1....
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With many, many thanks to both Travis of The Movie Encyclopedia and Jess of Insight Into Entertainment, who did a lot of repetitive Excel work for me, I present to you the completed Sortable Table of LAMBs! I’ve added a new nav button in the left sidebar for it (yes, the nav buttons in general need an overhaul, and soon). Details on what the table is can be found by clicking it or the link above. I hope to keep this puppy up-to-date...
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