
So the 2011 LAMMY Nomination Poll has been up for a week and a half and I want to thank the 38 LAMBs who’ve cast their ballots so far. However, there is still a week and a half to go and we’re not yet at half the voters we had for the 2010 LAMMYs. So the rest of you eligible LAMBs (#1-900) please go vote:


If you don’t know where to start out of 900 blogs, here’s some advice:

1. Scroll back through all the fantastic For Your Consideration Banners that have ruled the site for the past week. Thanks to all 69 of you who have taken the time to make them and send them in, so far. It’s not too late to send one if you haven’t yet.

2. Check out the completely updated Sortable Table (very handy for Best Classic and Sci-Fi/Horror Blog Awards) and Scrollbox available. By updated, I mean dead and inactive LAMBs have been put to pasture, and all the new LAMBs have been added.

Speaking of the Table and Scrollbox, I need a favor from every LAMB reading this: please find your site on both and verify that everything is in working order (i.e. your site’s name is spelled correctly and reflects the current site name, your url works and links to your site, your site is listed and wasn’t accidentally considered “dead”, etc.). If you cannot find your site or need changes made, please comment below or email me. I don’t know if you don’t tell me.

Thanks in advance!

7 thoughts on “REMINDER: Vote in the 2011 LAMMYs; Also, I Need a Favor

  1. Once again I will be taking forever to case my votes. Spend most my time getting hung up on person A over person B when it gets down to crunch categories – but no fear, mine will come before the deadline :).

    As to the numbers: I’m surprised they’re that low. I know a few others, like myself, who spend a good deal of time debating their ballots before casting, but I fear that’s not the general case. Then again, bloggers are notorious for their procrcastination.

  2. Uni-I’m the same way. I always put it off until the last minute. In the past, I usually waited for all the FYCs to be posted then voted based on those (mainly for categories on which I was clueless, like Best SciFi/Horror or Classic Blog) and the regular sites I visit. But out of approximately 740 active LAMBs (by Dylan’s calculations), 38 is extremely low. I’m hoping for a late surge of slackers like you and me 😉 Though I did get 5 votes from non-LAMBs too, but those don’t count.

    Also I think a lot of people would rather vote in the final round once the nominees have been decided and they only have 5 to choose from instead going through hundreds of sites to nominate.

  3. Deathstroke-No criteria, just a long wait due to all the entries. I post them in the order I get them and I’m trying to post them every few hours, along with some other content for the site, so I can only get 3-4 FYC posts up per day.

    The last one posted was for FYCs #58 & 59; your FYC is #66, I think. It should go up later tonight or early tomorrow.

  4. I can’t find my FYC poster and I’ve sent it yesterday. Is there a criteria of some sort that I’m not aware of or was it just overlooked?



  5. Include me in on the part of waiting until all of the FYC precincts have been heard from before I cast a ballot. Then, of course, I will have all the tools available to make an informed decision…or what in layman’s terms is referred to “picking names out of a hat.” (Kidding…I’m just kidding…)

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