The LAMMY Awards have undergone a major transformation this year, with moderators publishing written rules and timelines, implementing an inclusive submissions process, and engaging in an extensive publicity and outreach campaign.
Ultimately, however, the success of the LAMMYs depends upon you, the VOTERS.
It depends upon you visiting as many of the eligible blogs, vlogs and podcasts as possible, so that you can be an INFORMED VOTER. It depends upon you casting a ballot which reflects what you honestly think are the best entries in each individual category, so that there is VOTER INTEGRITY. And most importantly, it depends upon your actual participation, so that we can have record VOTER TURNOUT.
The nominations ballot is now open, and will remain open through Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time (US).
Before you begin, it is recommended that you do the following things:
Check out the Full List Of Eligible Entries, and visit as many sites as your schedule allows.
Make a list of your five selections for each category BEFORE you begin the poll, as you will not be able to stop and start once you’ve begun marking your ballot.
Have your own Lamb Number, Website Name and Email ready, as you will be required to enter these on the ballot. (You can find your LAMB Number on the LAMB TABLE.)
A brief reminder of how voting works in this stage of the process:
Voting will occur throughSurvey Monkey, an online system which uses multiple choice answers, with eligible blogs appearing in randomized order for each voter so that no one gets an unfair advantage from being first on the list.
Voting is open to current LAMBs only (#1-1550). One ballot per site; if your site has multiple contributors, you need to consolidate and submit as one ballot. Each ballot will require that you enter your site name, LAMB number and email to demonstrate that you are an eligible voter.
You may vote for up to five (5) nominees in each category. All five of your votes are equal; you do not need to rank them.
You are allowed to vote for your own site.
Ballots with more than 5 selections in any category will have the votes for that category (but only that category) disqualified.
You may abstain in any category that you wish without hurting your votes in other categories, or your right to vote in a later stage. You may also use less than your five votes in any category if you wish.
Those who did not participate in the Submissions Stage are still eligible to vote in the Nominations stage. We are hoping for record voter turnout.
The nominations ballot will remain open through Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time (US).
The All-Important Link to the Ballot is here:
The LAMMY Nominee results will be announced on the LAMBcast on Monday, April 15, 2013, 9:00 am EST. Tune in to hear. A written list will be published on the LAMB site the next day (Tuesday, April 16). Note that we intentionally hold the printed list for one day so that people will listen to the LAMBcast. We encourage members to support the LAMBcast ratings by not independently publishing the list prior to this time.
So happy to be nominated. Thanks for whoever put my name forward.
same here, I’m flattered!!
Thanks to the anonymous Lambs who nominated me!