
Five films for you this week, ranging from very small releases about chess and hazing to blockbusters about oil rig explosions and floating children, plus a Kate Winslet drama that frankly I didn’t much care for. Here’s what the LAMB community has to say:

Queen of Katwe
LAMB Average: 3.43 (7 sites)
Assholes Watching Movies (4)
Gorgon Reviews (4)
Fade to Zach (3.5)
Keith Loves Movies (3.5)
The Movie Waffler (3.5)
Citizen Charlie (3)
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews (2.5)

LAMB Average: 3.40 (5 sites)
Fade to Zach (4)
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews (3.5)
The Movie Waffler (3.5)
Silver Screen Riot (3.5)
The Cue Dot Confessions (2.5)

Deepwater Horizon
LAMB Average: 3.30 (10 sites)
Rantings and Ravings (4.5)
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews (4)
Fade to Zach (4)
Assholes Watching Movies (3)
Citizen Charlie (3)
Film Inquiry (3)
Keith Loves Movies (3)
The Last Thing I See (3)
The Movie Guru’s Blog (3)
Mahan’s Media (2.5)

The Dressmaker
LAMB Average: 3.25 (6 sites)
Assholes Watching Movies (4)
The Cue Dot Confessions (4)
The MN Movie Man (4)
Tinsel & Tine (3)
Life Vs Film (2.5)
Mahan’s Media (2)

Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children
LAMB Average: 2.75 (12 sites)
CineMarvellous! (3.5)
Keith Loves Movies (3.5)
Citizen Charlie (3)
Fade to Zach (3)
Mahan’s Media (3)
Paul’s Trip to the Movies (3)
Silver Screen Riot (3)
BuzzHub (2.5)
The MN Movie Man (2.5)
Talkie Gazette (2.5)
Assholes Watching Movies (2)
The Movie Waffler (1.5)

Next Week: The Birth of a Nation, The Girl on the Train
If you want to get involved, here’s how LAMBScores work: Over in the LAMB Forums there’s a sub-board  called LAMBScores. If you’ve written a review or recorded a podcast on a new release, find (or create) the thread there, and leave a link to your review, along with your site name and a score out of 5. Three weeks after the film has received a wide release the reviews will be collated and posted here, as long as there are at least five.

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