
(Editor’s note: A special thank you to Corey from Evil on Two Legs for providing me with a javascript file that finally allows me to link the Random LAMB Banners to their respective sites. I’ve updated all the code to reflect this, making them that much more effective. Thanks!)

URL: http://www.evilontwolegs.com/

Site Name: Evil on Two Legs

What is the main focus of your site (reviews, editorials, news, lists, etc.)?
Our site is primarily focused on slasher films from the 70s and onwards, but anything horror related is fair game. Occasionally we review obscure films or do things like review films in haiku format, but usually we try to stay away from news and traditional reviews because… well, that’s what bloody-disgusting and rotten tomatoes are for, right? Normally we try to write about films we love or hate from a less obvious angle (e.g., A Nighmare on Elm Street: 10 Pointless Observations, Fan Art Field Trip: Friday the 13th Edition, and Top 10 Reaosns Horror Fans Should Be Poetry Fans).

What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog?
I write because I love the horror genre and love writing about it. One of the more unique aspects of evilontwolegs.com is that it’s written by two people; I enjoy writing for the site so much because my co-author and I are constantly pushing each other to improve our writing which consistently leads to better and better posts. We never publish anything until the other has had a chance to properly insult, belittle and offer the occasional constructive comment on whatever article is in-progress. I don’t think either of us would enjoy it as much if the other wasn’t there to say “that sucks, start over” when necessary.

Do you prefer an interactive ‘community’ for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers are the students?
Funny you should say ‘teacher’ as my co-writer (Jon) is actually an English professor (which is why some of our posts sometimes turn to disgustingly academic topics like horror in poetry or the history of horror during the dawn of cinema). Some of his students actually read our site… However, I think he’d agree that our site is definitely community-based and anyone who has found our little site knows just as much about horror as we do. We simply like to draw attention to things people might not have noticed (or forgotten about) or try to look at things we’re all familiar with from a different perspective. We love discussions that break out in our own comments section and we try to visit and leave comments at other quality, similarly themed blogs as regularly as we can.

How long have you been movie blogging for, and how frequent do you post updates to your site?
I originally started EvilOnTwoLegs in 2001, but it vanished into internet obscurity for several years… but, like all great horror franchises, it eventually returned bigger, meaner and with a higher body count. The current site went live August, 2007. We spend a lot of time researching/editing our posts and they tend to be lengthy and filled with pictures and/or videos, so posting daily is not usually an option. We attempt to update the site twice a week.

Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more).
Corey: Halloween (1978), Evil Dead 2, Friday the 13th part VII: The New Blood
Jon: Night of the Living Dead (1968), Frankenstein (1931), Halloween (1978)

How did you hear about the LAMB?
At the definitive site in our little sub-genre… Final Girl.

Any additional comments, or give yourself an interview question that’s not listed above.
The scariest thing I’ve written about is definitely the world of slasher film fan art. I expected blood, guts and crudely drawn interpretations of my favorite horror icons… how was I to know that I’d encounter things far scarier than contained within any film — things like a pregnant jason voorhees, a my little pony jason, or jason getting molested by a female cat furry. Neither the Hostel nor Saw franchises contains anything that disturbing.

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