
URL: http://www.filmarcade.net/

Site Name: FilmArcade.net

What is the main focus of your site (reviews, editorials, news, lists, etc.)?
The main focus of the site is to give honest reviews, let people know about the latest film news, and create entertaining articles. Our staff of twenty-three die-hard film fans all bring something new to the table, with their own style, opinions, and in some cases cynicism.

What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your blog?
Currently, we’re in stages of expanding the site with a forum and possibly an internet radio show (some would call it a podcast if you’re a nerd). We’re also gathering new ideas every day.

Do you prefer an interactive ‘community’ for your blog or are you the teacher and your readers are the students?
FilmArcade.net, instead of being the kind of site that would rather be giving a homework assignment and telling you to do everything by the next day, is a blog where you can be taught everything in one session and not have to lug books home. We love comments and thoughts from our readers. So yes, we would be considered as an interactive community.

How long have you been movie blogging for, and how frequent do you post updates to your site?
The blog has been up since January 2008. Many writers came at different times, but for the most part, they’ve been with head admin TonyD since the beginning. We post updates from three to five times a day, although sometimes more or less.

Name up to three of your favorite movies (and no more).
Three of admin TonyD’s favorite movies are Sin City, The Big Lebowski, and Funny Games (1997). They were just a few he threw out on the top of his head.

How did you hear about the LAMB?
I forgot exactly where and when I first heard of LAMB, but I remember hearing about it a while ago.

Any additional comments, or give yourself an interview question that’s not listed above.
What in particular could you read at your blog?

Besides the usual news and reviews, one of the main articles that we host is Reviews From the Horror Chamber, written by the excellent Anthony Thurber. Another main article that we host at FilmArcade.net is Indie Scene, where head admin TonyD picks three independent films a week and talks about them. Starting very, very soon, TonyD will be starting a new article called UFC, where he digs into classic films that he never seen before and gives essays on them. Another few articles that we host is a column called Shaun Berk’s Movie Recommendations and Diggin’ Into The DVD Archive.

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