
Name: Dylan (aka Fletch aka Shep aka Ol’ Dirty Bastard)
Site: Blog Cabins

So that the rest of you don’t call me a cheater in regards to the box office prediction contest, here’s my prognostications for the summer movie season:

1. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – $385M
2. Wall*E – $310M
3. The Dark Knight – $295M
4. Iron Man – $260M
5. Hancock – $245M
6. Kung Fu Panda – $200M
7. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian – $185M
8. Speed Racer – $165M
9. Get Smart – $150M
10. Pineapple Express – $145M

Also rans: The Incredible Hulk, Hellboy II, Tropic Thunder

Guaranteed Flop: The Love Guru – years away from the multiplex (in person, at least) and this is what Mike Myers has for us? Second choice for a flop is Sandler’s You Don’t Mess With the Zohan.

Rip Van Winkle Hit (sleeper): The Happening. A comeback for Night? Possibly…

3 Movies I’m Most Looking Forward To:

* The Dark Knight. Can Nolan catch lightning in a bottle twice? Will Ledger blow us away as expected? Will this round of Batmans fall prey to the same disease as the last (and most other superhero franchises) – namely, the inability of the producers to keep from tossing more and more people into the mix? I want the answers to those questions.

* Indiana Jones… I’ve tried not to get excited or have much of any expectations for it, but after nearly 20 years, it’s definitely higher up on my “want to see” list than most any other summer flick, regardless of how good they might look.

* Hancock – I’m intrigued. To date, I’ve only seen the one trailer, but it’s hard to go wrong with Smith as a July lead, and Jason Bateman livens things up.

3 Movies I’m Not Looking Forward To At All:

* Wanted – This couldn’t look much worse. Morgan Freeman needs to get out of the “mentor” role asap (or the cousin to that, the mentor-who-turns-out-to-be-evil), and he needs to give Liam Neeson the same advice. And Jeremy Irons. Maybe the three should star in a movie where they mentor each other, then all turn on each other. That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Also a problem with Wanted: looks aside, doesn’t Angie Jolie seem a bit old for McAvoy? I know if the genders were flopped no one would bat an eye (and that’s unfortunate), and maybe it’s cause McAvoy looks like he’s 21, but they just seem like such a terrible romantic pairing.

* The Incredible Hulk – Why Ed, why? Every time I see Hulky and the evil Hulk “played” by Tim Roth, I can’t help but think of The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, and that’s never a good sign.

* Speed Racer – Never watched the show. The movie looks like it might be fun (or horrifying) on an acid trip, but that’s about it. Perhaps I would have a different opinion if I were 10 years old.

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