
This one’s pretty self-explanatory – who’s the person that never sleeps, or at least makes it seem that way? This was the 8th most active category, with 60 total votes spread to 34 sites by 28 voters. The winner took the trophy while receiving a vote from 28.6% of the voters, the 10th highest percentage of all the categories.

The envelope please…

3rd place: Fataculture (5 votes)

2nd place: Blog Cabins (6 votes)

And the winner, with 8 votes is…

The Flick Chick

Your winning LAMMY banner will be emailed to you after all the awards have been presented. Congratulations!

One thought on “The winner of the 2008 LAMMY for Most Prolific is…

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    Anyone who dares to watch “100 Movies in 100 Days,” much less write a review about each one of them, deserves this award.

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