Doodad Kind of Town
Matte Havoc
Tractor Facts
Blog Cabins
Reel Whore
Average LAMBScore, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (5 sites)
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The median would be a 3, which I think probably more accurately represents this movie which I did not see, and will not see. On the other hand, the sample size here is so small. It’s like no one cared!
It’s been talked about enough – I’ll start adding the medians to the LAMBScores.
Yea – I imagine this might get some more love when it hits video.
Hey, that’s what I thought I was doing with these comments. But I appreciate that you consider me commenting on all these things “talked about enough.” It makes me feel special.
Hey, if you’d prefer to keep doing it, I’m always up for less work….
Oh no, it would be much better if it was “official.”