Hey folks, remember April? Remember when everything closed and all us nonessential folk went home and realised there weren’t any new releases? We got a little glum, but thought “This’ll only be for a few weeks or so, we’ll be back in the cinemas by summer!” Ah, what sweet, naive children we were, and clearly the movie industry was just as hopeful and foolish, as April was pretty barren new-release-wise. That was until April 24th, when the world was introduced to Tyler Rake, and none of us was ever the same again. Here’s what the LAMB community had to say about the cliff-diving, gun-toting, kid-fighting Extraction:

LAMB Average: 3.31 (13 sites)
The Movie Waffler (5)
CineMarvellous! (4)
Movie Reviews 101 (4)
Often Off Topic (4)
Keith Loves Movies (3.5)
The Lambcast (3.5)
The Movie Moustache (3.5)
3SMReviews (3)
Cinema Parrot Disco (3)
Rachel’s Reviews (3)
MovieRob (2.5)
Borrowing Tape (2)
Film for Thought (2)
LAMBscores will return next week with: The Lovebirds, The Assistant, The Wrong Missy, The Vast of Night, The High Note
If you want to get involved, here’s how LAMBScores work: Over in the LAMB Forums there’s a sub-board called LAMBScores. If you’ve written a review or recorded a podcast on a new release, find (or create) the thread there, and leave a link to your review, along with your site name and a score out of 5. Three weeks after the film has received a wide release the reviews will be collated and posted here, as long as there are at least five.