Many sites have screencap quizzes, but how many are invaded by LAMBs? Every so often, I’ll post a screen shot, only the actors heads will be “lambed out” – all you gotta do is name the film and the bodies that the lambs have overtaken.
I’m throwing this right out there: this one’s easy. There are enough clues that someone ought to get it fast.
In other news, Fox is still destroying the field. He might have to be banned soon…
Fox (Tractor Facts): 4
Joseph (Cinexcellence): 1
Dean (filmicability with Dean Treadway): 1
hmmm…. I don’t think I know this one….
I want to say 40 Year Old Virgin, but it’s just not gelling for me.
Is it, by chance, Confidence with Ed Burns & Dustin Hoffman?
I think Wayward may be onto something. That does look like some Dustin Hoffman neck on the right there.
Winner! Congrats, Wayne.
Woohoo! I’m finally in the game! The Hoffman neck cinched it for me.
I don’t think I’ve seen a single film you’ve chosen for these quizzes. Ah me…
Marilyn I’m with you – haven’t seen any of them so far! Oh well, a whole series of new movies to watch.
That Hoffman neck features a nice turkey gizzard. Mmmmm.
Marilyn, that’s somewhat understandable. None are all that widely seen; the first (Better Off Dead) is probably the most, but it’s 20 years old.
Of the ones that have been done, I recommend Code 46 the most. A beautiful/haunting vision of the future featuring an awesome use of language(s).