Too many new releases lately. Might be grouping these together for a bit…
The Lair of the Green Knight
From the Front Row
The Dark of the Matinee
Bitchin’ Film Reviews
Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (5 sites)
Median LAMBScore:
Submissions for this film are now closed. To submit your rating/review for other new releases, visit the LAMB Forums (must be an existing LAMB to join).
I’m Feeling So Blahg
The Stop Button
Bitchin’ Film Reviews
The Dark of the Matinee
Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (4 sites)
Median LAMBScore:
Submissions for this film are now closed. To submit your rating/review for other new releases, visit the LAMB Forums (must be an existing LAMB to join).
Oops, totally forgot to submit my reviews of these films, but let me just say I loved Choke, and sort of hated Eagle Eye.
Couldn’t agree more!
Surprisingly, Eagle Eye beat the pants off of Quantum of Solace; goes to show ya, you can always depend on Spielberg…